Q: I wanted to share my experience with renewing my driver’s license and switching to a REAL ID. I took the advice of several of your readers and completed everything online first. and uploaded photos/scans of my passport, cell phone bill and proof of insurance. I didn’t have to set up an appointment to visit the DMV since I was given an express pass to print out.

I went to the Santa Clara DMV on a Wednesday at 2 p.m. Queued up outside the DMV were dozens of people who didn’t make appointments. I simply joined the appointment line (there were only four people in line) and after a few minutes was called to check in outside. Once that was done, a digital waiting number was sent to my cell phone. I waited briefly outside, and then was brought inside.

All told, the entire process from getting in line to walking back to my car took only 21 minutes. Boy, does the online application process save time!

Wayne Yeung, Mountain View

A: This is the time to get your REAL ID. Lines are short, and all drivers who received a license or identification card during the pandemic but did not get a REAL ID can upgrade now for no additional cost. This offer expires at the end of the year.

An office visit is required to get a REAL ID. Go to dmv.ca.gov/realidupgrade.

To apply for a REAL ID, you must provide a valid Social Security number, proof of identity and two proofs of California residency. A list of documents is available at realid.dmv.ca.gov.

Q: I have been charged penalties for not getting a smog test in time. I did not smog last year because of the pandemic. The DMV claims I need to show up at a field office to discuss penalties and pay for current registration.

Joel Zaves

A: Folks, pay your registration before the due date to avoid late fees. Your stickers will not be sent out until the smog form is in.

Q: When showing up for my REAL ID appointment, there was no cleaning of thumbprint or touch screen devices. And there was no hand sanitizing available anywhere. Is the DMV exempt from what is mandated at businesses, such as hand cleaner at entry and wiping of displays or pens that are touched?

Brian Roberts

A: Screens are cleaned periodically, The DMV requires everyone to wear a face covering, physically distance, answer health screening questions and have their temperature checked. The number of people allowed in the office is limited, chairs are appropriately spaced and plexiglass has been installed.

Join Gary Richards for an hourlong chat noon Wednesday at https://ift.tt/27E9ALQ. Look for Gary Richards at Facebook.com/mr.roadshow, or contact him at mrroadshow@bayareanewsgroup.com or 408-920-5335.